01 Desember 2008


today i just found new fact that really shock me..this guy, who said love me and care with me, annoyed me with anonym message that could brought heart attack to me.
well, yeah..maybe im wrong, we just broke up last two weeks, but it cannt be reason to do that..
i ll tell u the story, he knew my secret, and he [must be] knew how im react about that thing.he sent me message bout what im frighten,and DIDNT admitted it.and when i told him, someone just sent me bad message,he asked and PRETEND to care what i felt.Damn...!!!
and then i put this stranger number to my diary and someone [thanks to him] help me to find out who s number is. And guess what, it his number, my ex boy friend that pretend still love me, still care with me, but he DID that.he used other number to scare me..WHAT THE F**K!!can u imagine how i feel.and when i asked it, he didnt admitt it.still pretend its not him..Gosh..!!okay, u hate me, just do some revenge if u want..but u know what,it means nothing, and somehow i feel lucky we re broke up...and i feel soooooooooo lucky to have good people around me..u r wrong if u think that will make us back just because im frightened..i just wonder how could u...

[u dont know me yet,dont even dare to mess up with me]

2 komentar:

  1. glad you have good people around you :)

  2. igh sremm...
    untung bukan akuh yg jadi kmuh..

    bilang care tpi mlh seneng klo liad org ituh mnderita!
    gag bgd dech tuch org..
